Vision Statement

The King’s Sanctuary is a church filled with Christian believers, (both young and old) who passionately love the Lord Jesus Christ, are excited about the Word of God and are eagerly pursuing the call of God upon their lives.

The King’s Sanctuary is a church that is committed to preaching and teaching Biblical truth.

Each member of the King’s Sanctuary will win at least one person to Jesus Christ annually.

The members of the Kings Sanctuary will read through the word of God at least one per year

In seventeen years God’s willing, the Kings Sanctuary will have spiritually impacted all of Jamaica with each member winning at least one person to Christ annually.

The world will have felt the force of the power of the Kings Sanctuary in education, politics, science the arts and business.

The kings Sanctuary is a wealthy church that helps missionaries all over the world, and blesses Pastoral leaders who are doing a powerful and effective work.

The Kings sanctuary will be a mega church with a minimum of 7000 men and 5000 women.